A selection of pictures are available to purchase as prints in various sizes and formats through my store at Fine Art America. http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/clayton-bastiani.htmlGET 10% OFF PROFIT THROUGHOUT NOVEMBER 2015 ON ALL ITEMS WITHIN MY STORE BY USING THE FOLLOWINGCODE AT CHECKOUT YYYVJHIf there are pictures currently not represented there that you would like to purchase as prints please get in touch direct throughinfo@claytonbastiani.com
A selection of pictures are available to purchase as prints in various sizes and formats through my store at Fine Art America. http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/clayton-bastiani.htmlGET 10% OFF PROFIT THROUGHOUT NOVEMBER 2015 ON ALL ITEMS WITHIN MY STORE BY USING THE FOLLOWINGCODE AT CHECKOUT YYYVJHIf there are pictures currently not represented there that you would like to purchase as prints please get in touch direct throughinfo@claytonbastiani.com